SLOconf 2023: A Global Event With a Local Feel

Announcing SLOconf 2023: A Global Event With a Local Feel

I’m pleased to announce that SLOconf 2023 will be on May 15-18! You can register and submit a talk to the call for papers (CFP). Sponsorships are also available.

Charged with building reliable systems and their online presence, the challenges facing Site Reliability Engineers (SREs), DevOps teams, and platform engineers has never been greater. COVID and all of its complications changed the game forever from technology to content distribution to audience behavior. At the 2023 SLOConf, Nobl9 will once again be at the forefront of addressing the industry’s most pressing topics at all levels, from introduction to Service Level Objectives (SLOs) to their practical application. 

The virtual conference is the only event dedicated to the practice and application of SLOs. The event features industry leaders in the SRE, DevOps, and software engineering, and is open to all. Building on the success of SLOconf 2022 where we featured 63 companies and more than 1,000 leading brands from 83 countries in attendance over four days, our third trip around the world in 2023 will even be better and include:

  • Selected longer deep dives, in addition to our snackable 10-minute format

  • Curated schedule and live stream

  • Community-driven success and learning stories about SLOs

  • Local in-person events in major cities around the world

  • Additional self-guided labs to get attendees familiar with different reliability tools

In 2023, SLOconf will continue to focus on Service Level Objectives including on-demand talks, live hands-on labs, and networking opportunities and job postings. Attendees will be invited to watch and learn from the vast array of on-demand content and join the Slack space to keep the conversation going.

I just can’t thank all of our contributors enough for their participation in building OpenSLO, SLODLC and presenting at SLOconf 2022, especially our sponsors. Didn’t get a chance to attend SLOconf in 2021 or 2022? No worries — SLOconf is an on-demand conference, and all the videos are available on YouTube.

Off to SLO ‘23 we go!

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