creating, managing, and sharing reports SLOs

Introducing A New Way of Creating, Managing, and Sharing Reports

I’m excited to announce a new way of creating, managing, and sharing reports as part of our Nobl9 1.55 release. 

Create, Save, and Share reports

Effective communication is crucial within any organization, and Reports are vital in facilitating that process. To allow you to improve it, we are expanding our Reporting features by allowing you to create and save custom reports.  The new feature will let you tailor the reports according to your specific needs.

SLO create save and share reports graphic

You can also easily share the saved reports with other users in your organization, ensuring everyone can access critical business information without any hassle.
SLO share saved reports graphic

Users Groups

Another update of our newest release includes viewing user groups and their assigned permissions. You can access the list of all your groups in Settings > Access Controls > Groups section. Managing permissions through User Groups is available to Enterprise customers only and requires setting up a SCIM sync with your IdP.

SLO user group graphic

we have also improved former features, such as:

  • Redesigned Alerts Policy Wizard
  • Filter Alerts lists in SLO Details by date range
  • UI Validation for the threshold values in SLO Objectives

    You can learn more about the improvements by checking out the release notes.

If you’re already a Nobl9 customer, Release 1.55 is now available for you to use.

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