Reliability Software Nobl9

How Nobl9 Helps The World Reach Reliable Software

Nobl9 Series B and Product GA: Ready for a Market Serious About Reliable Software

Today, we announced the closing of a $21 million Series B funding round, led by Battery Ventures and CRV (our Series A investors). Bonfire Ventures and Resolute Ventures also participated in the round, along with new investors Harmony Partners and Sorenson Ventures.

Our platform is exactly what those enterprises need to build the feedback loops that are critical to sustainably running reliable, modern software.

The success of this round tells us that our timing is right. The market for DevOps and SRE tooling is ripe for products that deliver SLOs based on sophisticated data streams that define the economic value of software reliability. Throughout our product development process, we’ve talked to a lot of CEOs, CTOs, SREs, and engineers who understand that SLOs are the answer to customer demands for more reliable software. They realize that, in today’s digital-first world, software reliability drives business performance and profitability.

Our platform is exactly what those enterprises need to build the feedback loops that are critical to sustainably running reliable, modern software. And speaking of platform, we also launched our product, the Nobl9 SLO Platform, last week.

Check out the GA blog post by Nobl9 Co-Founder and our Chief Product Officer, Brian Singer.

Read more about the Series B in our news release and in major industry publications like TechCrunch.

We’ll have more news in the coming months about users and partners, so stay tuned. And if you’re serious about reliable software, check out the Nobl9 SLO Platform

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