Service Level Objectives Development Lifecycle


The SLO Development Lifecycle

The Service Level Objective Development Lifecycle is a framework and process methodology for creating metrics that matter to service-centric organizations. Together with the OpenSLO project, the SLODLC open-source methodology offers a handbook, examples, and templates for building SLOs to help ease organizational adoption.

SLODLC was created by practitioners in the community with the intent of creating practical, useful, actionable, step-by-step materials to aid organizations in their journey to adopt SLOs in order to better quantify user expectations, deliver technology services efficiently, and better manage the inherent tradeoffs in building a digital business.

Co-founded by Nobl9, SLODLC is an evolutionary open source project and welcomes input from the community of experts who are driving the SLO revolution.

If you’re seeking an approach to implementing SLOs, check out the SLODLC framework.

Overview of the SLO Development Lifecycle


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